3 Best Tips for Raising Solo MMR for Dota 2 Players

Surely, every player in Dota 2 has at least once wondered: "Why did they give me these four noobs to the team?". But it is worth considering whether the allies are always to blame. It is not by chance the player remains on the same level and does not move higher. Try to start with yourself, change something in your tactics, stop looking for excuses in teammates. And in this you will benefit from 6 simple tips that will make you better and, in the end, push you into the right direction and will help to raise your solo-MMR.

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Simple and Helpful Tips for Raising Solo MMR

Check the best tips and tricks for MMR raising:

  1. Always stay calm. The advice is simple but for some players, it is difficult to follow it. Dota 2 is a team game, so it's hard to keep calm every time your teammate does what, in your opinion, leads to defeat. There is one «but». Beginning to get nervous, or worse, having entered into a conflict with the allies, you will only aggravate the situation.

    Tactfully indicate the player to the error or offer your own version of the development of events, try to coordinate with him/her. So, you will have more chances for successful implementation of the game moment.

    Another case when you are angry with yourself, you curse yourself for your mistake. On the one hand, it's good, because you realize the oversight that was committed. So, the chances of doing it next time are significantly reduced. Have you noticed that professional players on streams from the first person, as a rule, do not write in the chat something bad to those who play frankly bad? Yes, there have been such cases, but more often than not they talk about what the team needs to do to win. Having found contact with the team, you significantly increase the chances of winning.

  2. Do not take heroes in the rating games, which you do not know how to play with. It sounds trite, but in the rating games, there are often players who have taken some Io or Chen for the first time. Naturally, they will not succeed and they will spoil the game. Do you want to try out a new hero? Please, go to the usual games. Do not forget that this is a rating game and you need to make the most to win. Take your best heroes.
  3. Communicate with the team.This does not mean telling you how you spent the day and what you ate for breakfast. Communicate all the information on the game. Did you see Blink Dagger from Shaker? Tap on it through Alt and your team will already be aware and, most likely, will navigate the map more accurately. Also report on the misses, about your plans for ganks, etc. Do you think it's better to collect at the moment - BKB or Linken Sphere? Ask the team. Perhaps, one of them will find the right solution.

Follow the above-mentioned tips and you will achieve your goal together with the team!